How my journey began…

As a kid I remember feeling very hopeful about the future, but that hope has almost completely disappeared by age 27.

At that time I have everything I believe I am supposed to have to be happy: a high-paying job, good friends, a house, a nice car and lots of toys and travel. Still something is not right. A snowboarding accident and subsequent pain-killer prescription turns up the volume on what I find out is addiction. Life becomes exponentially more unbearable and spirals out of control in every area. Sometimes I spend days alone in the house without getting out bed. Two years later I end up in Hawaii with an opportunity to either go back to the life I knew or try something different…

It now that the path of yoga is introduced. Yoga, 12-step recovery and Hawaiian culture’s reverence for nature creates a foundation for my new life.

I start to study my relationship to the physical body, thoughts and emotions… I start accepting guidance from others. I start asking questions and finding answers. I start trying new things. I continue to this day… My desire is to share what I’ve discovered about how to live an extraordinary outside-the-box life.

Deep gratitude to my teachers, guides & friends for Infinite & Loving support (in no particular order):

My mother & father, grandmothers & grandfathers, Chelsea, Paramahansa Yogananda, Benjamin, Jaxson & Brodhi, Moojibaba & sangha, Anthony Robbins, Jim & Elma, Robin Clements & Breathwave Tribe, Sri Nisigardatta Maharaj, Kaunamayi, Nichole Shmyr-Broadbent, Range & Pua’ala, Erin Keir @ LetShiftHappen, Rain Chakma, Matt Zazulak @ ElevatedFrequencies, Joe Dispenza, S.N. Goenka, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dave & Sherry, Molly Irene, the Hawaiian people, Ocian Flo @ OcianSound, Gary & Cindy, Jeff Sorensen @ BreathArmy, Clarence & Blanche, Swami Lakshmanjoo, Eckhart Tolle, Vela Canta, Wesley Jobe @ Resonance Breathwork, Heather Banks & Arapata, Sufi Raj Ishq… more to be revealed, thank you, thank you, thank you…

Instead of offering a one-size-fits-all solution, Jonathan weaves together lifetimes of diverse experience and practice with intuitive skill to guide others deeper into dynamic self-exploration and self-expression.

Early on in his awakening journey in 2009, Jonathan studies alignment-based Anusara and Iyengar yoga in Hawaii with Karuna Weiss of Hub for the Heart, receiving an RYT-200 plus 100-hour Immersion certifications. He dives head-first into energetic alignment through physical body dynamics and bhakti yoga which are at the heart of what Jonathan offers today. Immersed in the spiritual culture of the Hawaiian people, Life sets a foundation for self-exploration outside of the western mainstream culture.

Over the next few years Jonathan dedicates himself daily to learning the breathwork, pranayama, meditation and energization methods of Paramahansa Yogananda through the SRF lessons the yogi-saint writes out for his students before leaving his body. Throughout this time Jonathan is in 12-step recovery and struggles with depression & anxiety. Diving deeper into meditation he attends two 10-day Vipassana retreats (2012 & 2016) taught by the late S.N. Goenka and dedicates practice to this method. In 2017 things really begin to shift for Jonathan as he serendipitously finds the book ‘I Am That’ by Sri Nisigardatta Maharaj and shortly after begins following the pointings of Moojibaba.

In 2020 he is introduced to conscious connected breathing and studies with Robin Clements of Breathwave, completing all levels of the Breathwave training path, receiving a 415-hour International Breathwork Facilitator designation. Jonathan has dedicated thousands of hours to ongoing study with Robin as a support facilitator for Breathwave trainings and while serving hundreds of clients one-on-one and in the regular workshops Jonathan offers.

A brother to all, Jonathan’s mission is to encourage, educate and empower others to live our highest expression, one of love, creativity and authenticity. Inspired by a vision he receives during self-practice, Jonathan builds what is now known as the dOMe, a space for self-exploration and discovery. His current focus is on creating retreat spaces to share the natural medicine of the breath.

We can learn to balance our own nervous system & life through conscious breathing as a form of yoga. Our own bodies are magical instruments we have forgotten how to play! Its not complicated, but like anything worthwhile, it takes practice… and in this way we begin to live in harmony with Life.


What people experience…

  • “My experience in a one on one breath session with Jonathan was powerfully releasing, cleansing and eye-opening.  I felt safe, held, heard and seen. The world needs more of these kinds of experiences.”

    Nichole S

  • The space you held was sacred and brought a sense of safety and protection over me that I haven’t experienced since I returned back to Canada. I am so grateful. One of the most powerful breathwork experiences I’ve been blessed to witness.

    Kristyn F

  • “I can’t tell you how aligned I feel today. My spine.. feels amazing. I’m taking full breaths. Thank you so much!”

    Elizabeth A

  • “Jonathan is an incredible facilitator of this practice and I feel fortunate to be able to work with him.”

    Henry M

  • "Jonathan is one of the most gifted breathwork facilitators I have worked with. In every session with him I have experienced his utmost presence and strong attunement. He has the ability to guide through the breathwork journey in a safe and compassionate way while encouraging deep exploration, re-connection, and empowerment. He has helped me so much in my transformation and empowerment journey."

    Elitsa H

  • "The Dome is a warm safe space to explore true potential for healing through breath.  Jonathan’s expert guidance and healing touch is a true gift.  My experiences at the Dome have opened my mind, heart and soul.  I am forever grateful."

    Kari C

  • "Jonathan is the one of the best breathwork practitioners I have had the pleasure to have facilitate me. He creates safety and is amazingly attuned to the individual or the group. I have felt so held by his presence and have been in awe of the space he holds. He is adept to help facilitate where I need to go when I’ve shown up to breathe."

    Noel M.

  • "I had such a difficult time falling asleep last night after the powerful vibrations/energy. What an experience and to share it with my brother made it even more powerful. Last night was definitely orchestrated by a higher power and the spiritual realm. My understanding of life and death and the way I am in my life is forever changed. Still just, wow. I’m grateful, appreciative, in awe with an expanded awareness and consciousness!"

    Shela R

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